Steamy Sauna Seduction

Leila scanned the other women in the steamy sauna. She'd never visited a random health club before, but the chance to get away from the stress of daily life had led her here. She was tall and curvy, with dark hair pulled into a messy bun at the back of her head. She'd always thought of herself as straight-laced, but lately, her desires had grown more intense, bordering on insatiable.

As she stared at the other ladies around her, she noticed one that was not like the others. Her name was Violet and she was a beauty with blonde hair, a tanned complexion and deep brown eyes that sparkled mischievously. Leila could not help but be curious about her and the energy that she radiated.

The two women locked eyes , but before anything could be said, Violet's hand made its way to Leila's lap. Leila gasped. "What the fuck do you think you’re doing?" Leila stuttered. Violet replied in a hushed tone, “I couldn't help myself, there’s something about you.”

Leila felt her heart begin to race as her body grew hot with arousal. She looked around to see the other women had left the sauna. Violet then took Leila’s hand and pulled her out of the sauna. The room beyond was an empty steam room that was hot and humid. Hard to see as there was steam everywhere.

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What happens next?