Linda is an attractive young woman with honey-colored hair that cascades down her shoulders. She's at a yacht party, surrounded by people who are drink and high on drugs. She stands out from the rest of them, with her cute floral dress that barely covers her hips. John spots her from across the deck and can feel his dick twitching.
"Hey beautiful, what's a girl like you doing at a party like this," John slurs, trying to get Linda's attention.
"Leave me alone, I'm not interested," Linda snaps back, feeling uncomfortable with this guy's persistence.
"I bet you'd be interested in what we have going on below deck," John winks in a suggestive manner and gestures towards the stairs leading down to the cabins below.
"Fuck off," Linda says and tries to leave the party, but John blocks her path.
"Come on, just one quick fuck. You know you want it," he says, his hand moving towards her thigh.